Psychedelic Mind Melt, I
love Mogender Hanuman Vijay Singh. I cannot tell you
how important his efforts are in bringing good psychedelic music to this
troubled and otherwise lackadaisical world. I
used to buy the kind of crap most people listen to (like
Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, Lady GaGa, Britney Spears, etc). Then someone gave me
the Menthol Man CD. I feel I am a better person for hearing it.
The Menthol Man touches me deep down inside. I feel like we might be
mates in a weird and cosmic way. As soon as I
get out of prison I think I will attend one of his concerts. I can hardly wait!!!
R. Chandrakar
(serving 6 -10 yrs. for crimes against humanity)
Arthur Road Jail, Mumbai
you for your letter, friend! I have asked my
secretary to send you a Menthol Man autographed ball-cap! Wear it with
distinction and pride!
-ed |
I have a question
about _______, the famous blues singer, who just released the Steamin'
album. I've never seen this guy appear live but I really want to.
Seeing him in concert would be awesome but it is
turning into a major pain in the neck. For example last month I saw a
poster for the Walkeshwar Blues Festival and ______'s name wasn't
on it. So I went thinking he'd be there. But he wasn't. Then I
skipped the Mangalore Blues Festival because his name wasn't on the
poster but it turns out he was there. HOW DOES
in Rajpipla"
has always proven to be a sticky wicket for ______'s fans.
However, loyal fans have become adept at spotting his
upcoming performances. I will give you an example of how
this is easily done.
Below is
a show where he is not performing:

here is a show where he is performing:

-ed |
Dear Mind Melt!
a big fan of The Menthol Man. I remember seeing him perform many years
ago while a member of The Menthol Men. They used to come on stage naked
with shaving cream covering their private parts. Last week I saw The
Menthol Man at the Oberoi Liquor Lounge. I almost died
when he appeared on stage in a similar manner. I did notice,
however, that his shaving cream bundle was hanging much lower than
it used to. I guess it's only natural as he must be in his 50s by
now. Below is a photo I took with my cell phone. In the photo The Menthol Man
doing one of his famous bangra dances while the background singers
hum and hoot some sort of
raga. Totally wild, man! Totally wild.
Yours in
psychedelic nirvana,
Sandmaar Khan
Mumbai, India

recent Menthol Man show you speak off was a great success!
The Oberoi Liquor Lounge holds over 1,200 patrons and it was
standing room only. In fact, had the Fire Marshall not shown
up it might have been sitting on someone's shoulders room
only. I will share a little secret with you: The Menthol Man
is now a devout religious person and would not consent to
appear on stage naked as he had in the past. I knew his fans
would want to see him that way so I was able to talk him
into wearing a special truss-like support belt that was
fitted with asbestos and white fluffy cotton swabs to appear
to look like shaving cream. This gave the Menthol Man the desired look
his fans need while allowing him modesty;
plus it also gave him the much needed support he now needs
because he is an old man.
-ed |
Mind Melt,
Mogender Hanuman Vijay
Singh is truly a genius! Mind you: I
don't toss around terms like "genius" lightly. Excuse me
now I
have to get back to work. I am editing a topical paper on holistic-vibronic
coupling in oligothiophenes for the next The Philosophical Transactions
of the Royal Society. Pip Pip! Jolly Good, say what?
Sir Reginald
Oxfordshire, England
you for your kind words, Sir Reginald. I will ensure that
they are passed along to Mr. Singh. I have also asked my
secretary to send you a Menthol Man autographed ball-cap as
-ed |
F__k yeah!
buy every record Mogender Hanuman Vijay Singh make. F__k yeah! My favorite
MHVSEE bands Korean ones KKK, Bent Dong, Phuck-chop and ASSeoul. F__k yeah!
They totally rock. F__k yeah! Mogender Hanuman Vijay Singh consider
rock god in Korea. F__k yeah! But many Koreans pissed off that he change KKK's name to
KiCK. If insult linger long many will stage boycott. Koreans
very serious about psychedelic rock! F__k yeah!
Kaesŏng, Korea
must be honest and say that Mogender Hanuman Vijay Singh had
nothing to do with the name change; in fact, when he became
aware of it he became irate and insisted that the name be
changed back to it's original spelling. So as of now The
KiCK is now The KKK (again). Their latest album Sex
Champions that was recalled and re-entitled Puppy
Dog Eyes will also be recalled and then, once again,
released as Sex Champions. You would think
that all this calling and recalling would put a damper on sales but for
some strange reason it hasn't. Despite the global slow-down
in record sales the new KKK album controversy has increased
their net album sales
400%. This proves once again that Mogender Hanuman Vijay
Singh was right and the rest of us were wrong. (It also
proves that statistics can be misleading since we're only
talking about five albums selling compared to one.)
-ed |
Me, Mogender Singh!
have a question concerning a band in America called The Psychedelic
Mooj. They are ranked #1 in psychedelic blues by Google, Yahoo and
MSN; however, they have no affiliation whatsoever with Mogender Hanuman Vijay
Singh, who seems to pride himself on being the #1 producer of psychedelic
A guy named Dr. Raj Chawla used to be president of The Psychedelic
Mooj fan club. Then he mysteriously disappeared. I read somewhere that
Dr. Chawla
is now teaching Nuclear Physics at the Indian
Institute of Technology Kharagpur. Dr. Chawla is also a
member of MHVSEE advisory board. I find all this odd. Don't
Gujarat University, Ahmedabad
Nothing seems odd about that to me.
just re bought the new Mera Naam Choo Choo album. I enjoyed it
very much. Choo Choo is such a talented boy!
Jindal (Choo Choo's mom)
Jamba, Rajisthan
you, again, Mrs. Jindal. I agree with you again that Choo Choo is a very
talented boy.
-ed |
totally dig the new Infarto Muy Grande album. It's a total
San Diego, CA (USA)
you. You seem like a loyal fan and we are happy to know you.
A Menthol Man autographed hat will be sent to you as well.
-ed |
Dear Mind Melt,
heard that Beau Brummell and the Sopwith Holding Company lead singer
Mansoor Bali "High" Khan just got busted for drugs. Doesn't Mogender Hanuman Vijay
Singh have a zero tolerance policy on drug misbehavior? Does that
mean Mansoor
Bali "High" Khan is going to be fired? I hope not. He is so very cute.
Mumbai, India
news about Mansoor Bali
"High" Khan
is new to me. I have heard nothing about an arrest and I am in
close contact with our legal department. The fact that he
may be in jail, however, might be why he hasn't been coming
into work lately. I thought he might have been one of the
many people recently laid off at MHVSEE Headquarters. As far as Mr.
Singh's zero tolerance policy on drug
misbehavior is concerned I am aware that a waiver can be
obtained if one has good record sales. I just reviewed Beau Brummell and the Sopwith Holding Company
returns; and well ... if Manssor Bali "High" Khan was busted he's
probably S.O.L.
-ed |
new album q`sws`iasw totally
kicks butt!!!!!! I never thought I would be into Swedish Death Polka
----but man! That dude can oooompa-pa-pa like a mofo. Top that,
Slavko Avsenik!
Seth Karamchand
Cuddapah, India
am glad you bought Hsiuw1ehis2's
new CD. I reviewed last month's music receipts and saw that
only one copy was
sold. I guess it was to you. Sadly, due to the global financial
meltdown (mentioned earlier) some of our artists had to be
laid off. Hsiuw1ehis2
was one of them. His poor sales were a factor; however, I
think the biggest contributor was that he beat up everyone at his album release party.
-ed |
own a music shop near Jadavpur University. I stock your CDs,
T-shirts and posters. Nothing of yours has sold in over a year so I
want you to get all this crap out of here or I'll just throw it
Kolkata, West Bengal
do not feel that your poor sales are due to us.
There is a pandemic of global financial downturn all over
the world. We understand your concerns but will ignore your
request for now. We have to. We laid off the man that
handles merchandise returns.
-ed |
there any truth to the rumor that Mogender Hanuman Vijay Singh is
really a woman trapped in the body of a man?
Udder Tamil Nadu