Please provide the following contact information (all fields optional):
Please identify and describe yourself:
Where were you born (city and state)?
Please indicate your highest level of education:
I was home schooled
I attended high school but dropped out because of drugs
I attended high school but dropped out because of pregnancy
I attended high school but dropped out since I was pretty much aloser
I'm a high school graduate
I went to college but never finished
I graduated from a community college
I graduated from a state college
I graduated from a prestigious private university
I have a
Master's degree
I have a Ph.D.
I have a
two Ph.Ds.
I have absolutely
no education, whatsoever
Describe your current financial situation:
Super rich
Well off
Doing okay but nothing to brag about
Just getting by
Where did you learn about The Mooj:
Loved ones
America's Most Wanted
Surfing the Internet
List something special about yourself that you would like others to know
about you:
Describe in 500 words or less why you consider yourself worthy of being a
Mooj minion: